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27 September 2017

Ruby Red Shoes

I love Ruby Red Shoes.  I discovered her last December when I was browsing the children's books at Bookface, looking for a book to give my daughter for a Christmas gift.  I fell in love with the cover, and then when I opened the book, I was sold.  The illustrations are beautiful, and the story is just so cute.

Ruby is a white hare who lives with her grandmother, Babushka Galina Galushka, in a painted caravan.  Ruby has her own garden where she grows flowers and vegetables and she also keeps chickens, who are so clever that she is teaching them French.

There are two further books - Ruby Red Shoes Goes to Paris, and Ruby Red Shoes Goes to London, and they are just as special as the first.

If you have daughters or granddaughters, or nieces, or god-daughters or any young girl in your life, they will love these books - they are just so pretty!  And if you don't, just go ahead and buy them for  yourself!

Kate Knapp is the author and illustrator, and you can see more about these beautiful books here.

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  1. I so love these books! The illustrations are just so gorgeous. When I discovered them my daughter was getting a bit old for them, but I still had to buy the first one for myself!

  2. Oh, I wish I had known about these a couple of years ago. The books look beautiful.

  3. Kate Knapp is so talented and such a sweet person as well. Quite a few years ago now, a friend and I discovered Kate's paintings at the little gallery she had at that time in Brisbane (well before Ruby came along). I bought several of Kate's paintings and I treasure them. Little birds and flowers and chooks and dogs and quotes that just make me happy. Her books and inspiration cards are just as gorgeous! I'm so glad you've discovered Ruby! Meg:)


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